Writing Prompt

Procrastination, for Dummies

Trust me — it is not as easy as it looks. You have to have stamina, a budding curiosity, and the will to achieve more than you have set out for. I’m talking about procrastination, people: one of the toughest games out there.

Time – Part III, a Short Story

        The above is the third and final installment of a serial entitled Time. See Part I, and Part II. As previously said, this serial was birthed out of inspiration from the Writing 101 program from The Daily Post.  With each serial, I wanted to approach the story with a different technique in mind… Part…

TIME – Part I, A Short Story

It has been a long time… The tall grass, and the whistle of the wind across the dunes. The seagulls swooping at far-off schools, while the sun glistens in blinding flashes off of the swaying ocean tide. The smell of the salty air and the reek of the mucky marsh nearby intermingle in nasal passageways. It…