My Mission

JustBeCreativity is a personal endeavor; it is an effort to recognize artistic creation in the every-day. It is an outlet to share art and hand-crafted things, and is a pedometer-of-sorts for the Artist-in-question.

I consider myself to be a Jane-of-All-Trades, a life-hacker and a crafty individual. I am armed with my mind, my words, a pair of knitting needles and a couple tubes of paint.

I believe that Life is an experiment to be experienced; JustBeCreativity is my Laboratory.

I go by Lee-Ann Lemon. Welcome to my playground :D





Every individual possess an ability to create. We all have a unique inspiration, a unique approach, a unique process and a unique result. This entire development is our own: we all create in different ways and we all leave a different mark. Everything we do retains this creative trait, from signing our name to the spur-of-the-moment words we speak. We create every day. Through interactions with other individuals we create relationships. Through learning our course material for class or learning the ingredients to a new recipe and putting that knowledge into action, we are creating a new form of understanding. It is my belief that it is this ability to create that makes us human.

One does not need to be creating ‘Art’ to be creating. One could create a new filing system for work. One could create a new lesson for his or her class of kindergarten students. One could create a new circuit to connect Object A to Object B more efficiently. It is the process and purpose that allows for creativity. A-r-t is not just painting and sculpture… Art is our approach to every action we take in life. Art is being and how we BE.

We are only ourselves, and we cannot possibly be someone else. We only create like ourselves, and we cannot create like anyone else. We can have our creative inspirations and our instructional mentors, but at the end of the day, we are left with ourselves and our own mark in this world. Own your creativity, and let it flow from every pore of your soul.

Just Be. Be Creativity.



5 thoughts on “My Mission

  1. I lived in Vermont for several years in the 70’s. It was wonderful except for the cold and the snow. Gave me lots of time to think though. Very good years in retrospect. I recommend you let the boredom of winter sink in like a meditative state. Don’t panic. Don’t try to fill up on busy work and socializing. Eventually your creative side will just rush in to take up all that dead space.

    • Meditating with the winter calm is great advice — this time of year is perfect for self-reflection, reorientation, and re-ignition of passions.
      Thanks for the tip!

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