Photography for Sale!

Hello — long time no… post!

As the result of a series of circumstances, I took a short posting hiatus… I went on a small vacation with family, I fell ill with the most horrible end-of-winter sickness, and — you know — some times you just have to hibernate to rejuvenate.

I haven’t been creativity-free, I promise! I have some projects to share and some posts on the way — just give me a little time to organize and compose…

That brings me to my purpose for this post, I have some pretty awesome news: I recently launched my first “online shop” to sell my photography!

Click here to view!

Full Sail. August, 2011.

Full Sail.
August, 2011.

Over the past few weeks, I have been planning, researching, and considering my options for selling my art. I matted and framed a beautiful photograph for my parents to celebrate their anniversary earlier this month (shown to the right — pardon the reflection on the glass), and it gave me the motivation to take the next step and develop a plan for selling my photography. I have thousands and thousands of images, I just need to organize them into collections. So far, I have only posted some of my nature photography to my store… my pictures of bugs to be exact…

I’m pretty excited about the whole process, and I am very interested to see how everything works out. I am new to selling my art, and I am still trying to figure out the logistics of the site I am using. This is only the first step until I organize my own system of printing/framing/matting/selling on my own shop-platform…. which is much, much further down the road.

To promote this endeavor, I am offering a 50% discount to the first 5 purchases through my photo-store!

This discount applies to the image itself (only to my share of profit, to be exact), not towards any matting or framing you chose for the image through the site. The site does, however, have some pretty awesome framing options…

I invite you all to check out my store, provide feedback, and purchase art!

The first 5 buyers receive the 50% discount (it will apply to multiple items), and the discount expires on March 30. At the checkout, punch in the code: ACKSRU

Thanks for reading, and I hope to hear some of your feedback.


2 thoughts on “Photography for Sale!

  1. Congratulations!! A very good start choice. I have know some others who have used the same site and have been considering it myself. Let me know how it works out for you. I am using Etsy now and FASO.
    Hugs, Nanu

  2. Thank you! I’m very excited!
    I like FASO, but I think it is too advanced for me a this point. I’ve been considering ETSY, but I don’t have an efficient way to print/frame/ship… definitely avenues I’ll look into a little later.
    I’ll keep you updated!

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